German Design Award 2020

Outstanding – German Design Award won by Fette Compacting FEC20

Fette Compacting won again the German Design Award, the international premium prize of the German Design Council. The competition jury praises the state-of-the-art capsule filling machine FEC20 among others for the revolutionary optimisations in terms of functionality, operation, quality and flexibility. In addition, the modern aesthetic that reflect again the innovative technical approach down the last detail.

The FEC20 has been on the market since 2018. It offers a revolutionary technical concept that allows fast product changeover, intuitive operation, and complete control over every process step. The FEC20 is designed for mean batch sizes of up to 200,000 capsules per hour. 

The innovative drive concept using servo and torque motors, the simple operation and the extraction system are also highly impressive.

Read more about our capsule filling machine FEC20!

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