What's Next
What's Next? – Fette Compacting Magazine 2021/2

The way to the future is a continuous one: apart from the batch process, an increasing focus is now being attributed to continuous manufacturing. One example of how continuous lines are already producing large volumes today is presented by our cooperation with the pharmaceutical manufacturer BY-HEALTH in China. In this edition of What’s Next?, we also explain when and how continuity is a feasible option.

The points are also set for the future in terms of tablet presses and tools: the new i Series has been commissioned and, in the case of the F10i, replaces the previous model. EasyCare is a new overall solution for safe and efficient handling of tableting tools. We also report on the digital troubleshooting tool, LiveGuide, which has proved to be very effective for an Irish customer.

You can also read about why the nutrition sector is growing so fast and the special role played by tablets and capsules. And we would like to celebrate an anniversary with you: ten years of the FE Series – that’s ten years of top performance in tablet production. We hope you enjoy reading! Your team at Fette Compacting

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